Northern Region Pursuivants

Blue Talbot Herald (Northern Region Herald) – Lord Conall an Doire

Shire of Coldwood –
Barony of Endewearde – Mistress Brita Mairi Svensdottir
Canton of Basingestoches – Lady Lijsbet van Catwiic
Canton of Wyndriche (incipient) –
Shire of Glenn Linn –
Shire of Hadchester –
Province of Malagentia – Master Alexandre Saint Pierre
Riding of Giggleswick – Lady Elen Alswyth of Eriskay
Riding of Ravensbridge – Lord Anthony Martin of Sheffield
Shire of Mountain Freehold –
Shire of Northern Outpost –
Shire of Panther Vale – Lord Edward Talbot
Shire of Smithwick – Lady Skye of St. Andrews
Barony of Stonemarche – Edgithe Hlammandi
     College of Knottyng Cross (incipient) –